It is the policy of Wold Academy to actively ensure the involvement of staff, pupils and parents in the education of children with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).
The learning difficulties which these children may have been assessed and provided for in a variety of ways.
The children have the opportunity to develop to their full potential with the guidance and support of their class teacher, the SEND leader, teaching assistants and outreach teaching staff. The school aims to provide for all the needs of the child whilst encouraging integration in class and school activities. This policy should be read in conjunction with the SEND Code of Practice (2015).
SEND Leader: Mrs C Angell
Telephone Contact: 01482 353259 (school)
Definition of Special Educational Needs:
The SEND Code of Practice (2015) defines Special Educational Needs as:
A child or young person has special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.
A child of compulsory school age or young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:
a)has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or
b) has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools
c) are under compulsory school age and fall within the definition at (a) or (b) above or would do so if special educational provision was not made for them. (Section 20 Children and Families Act 2014)
Children must not be regarded as having a learning difficulty solely because the language or form of language of their home is different from the language in which he/she will be taught.”
There are four categories of need:
- Cognition and Learning
- Communication and Interaction
- Social Emotional and Mental Health
- Sensory and/or Physical Needs, Medical
Aims and Objectives
The aims of the school are to identify, assess and provide full access to the National Curriculum for all pupils.
With regard to pupils with SEND we strive to achieve this through early identification; consultation with parents; effective integration; and differentiated teaching which ensures a pupil/curriculum match and the promotion of positive attitudes.
All class teachers are responsible for the initial identification and assessment of SEND; they also have responsibility for its provision within the classroom. All teachers are responsible for the progress of all pupils within their class.
The SENCO has oversight and a lead role with regard to SEND provision in School. The SENCO, in conjunction with the Principal, will liaise with the appropriate support services. The SENCO will form links with local agencies, such as the Speech and Language Therapy Service, School Nurse etc., and The City Psychological Service with a view to forming close partnerships which will benefit children with Special Educational Needs and Disability.
Admissions Policy and Inclusion Arrangements
Children with special educational needs are admitted into school in accordance with our whole-school admissions policy.
Our overall aim is to secure inclusion for all pupils (see Inclusion Policy) and enable their full participation in society.
Funding for SEND is received through the General School Budget and in some individual cases, additional LEA funding.
This funding is used to provide support for children with SEN and the provision of appropriate learning and teaching materials. A range of differentiated work is prepared and structured by class teachers, support assistants and the SEND Teacher. A range of time-limited interventions such as FFT and Numicon Closing the Gap are provided for the children where appropriate.
The SEND Code of Practice (2015) sets out a two stage approach:
SEND Support:
The class teacher has the initial responsibility for this – the most important and effective method of assessment in all areas of the curriculum is teacher assessment and observation.
Class teachers are responsible for maintaining planning and provision for their class, detailing individual children, their SEND and action being taken. Parents are informed when a child is experiencing difficulties and are kept up- to-date through a termly meeting where the child’s needs and outcomes are discussed and actions by home and school are agreed.
Pupils whose needs are not easily met through normal classroom differentiation and support from the class teacher, will initially undergo in-house assessment. A support plan is drawn up between the class teacher and the parent, supported by the SENDCO. Class teachers follow this plan, which will be reviewed at least each term, but more regularly if needed. The SENDCO and class teacher will meet regularly to discuss the progress of the child and to decide on whether any further action is needed.
Where procedures through the support plan have not precipitated satisfactory progress, the SEND Co-ordinator will initiate further support from outside agencies. Parents’ views will be sought for this review, and they may well be asked to attend a formal meeting. Other agencies/professionals who have had an involvement with the child will also have their views sought; they too, may well be asked by the SENDCO to attend a formal meeting to discuss progress and/or next steps.
- employ clear procedures to identify pupils whose academic physical, social or emotional development is giving cause for concern
- identify pupil's areas of weakness which require extra attention from the classroom teacher or other members of staff
- identify, plan, do and review, in consultation with parents and involving the pupil as far as possible, support plans designed to meet each pupil's identified needs.
Education Health and Care Plan:
This stage is identified by the code, as where the LEA takes the lead in assessing pupils and providing/reviewing EHCs.
The SENCO will be responsible for the completion of all relevant paperwork at all stages. Appropriate consultation will be made with all professionals involved with the child. After an EHC has been made, the LEA must review a child’s progress at least once a year.
Statutory Assessment
In a very small number of cases the LEA will need to make a Statutory Assessment of Special Educational needs and consider whether to issue an EHC.
Statutory assessment will not always lead to an EHC as information gathered may indicate that the school can meet the child’s needs without the needs for any special educational provision to be determined by the LEA through an EHC.
A request for statutory assessment can be made by school, the child’s parent or by referral from another agency (e.g. health authority or social services).
The LEA will request and consider evidence from those involved with the child.
If the LEA decides not to make a statutory assessment they must write to the parents and explain the reasons and set out the provision they consider would meet the child’s needs appropriately.
If the LEA decides that an EHC is necessary it will draft a proposed EHC and send it to the child’s parents.
Access to the curriculum and Integration
We aim for integration in all areas as far as is reasonably practicable, as regular withdrawal will affect access to the curriculum.
Where children are withdrawn the interventions provided are time-limited and measured. Class teachers are responsible for their own organisation and teaching styles but it is recognised that differentiation of work will be a necessary tool for the accommodating of children with SEND in the classroom. There is no substitute for good teaching.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
All teaching staff have received training in areas such as differentiation, teaching methods, recognition and response to S.E.N.D pupils.
Teaching Assistants have received training in a range of methods to support children with SEND. Continued training to support children with SEND in school is a priority for all staff within school.
The SENCO is available for discussion and advice relating to pupils, materials and methods of approaching problems. A resource bank of suitable materials is available to support children with SEND.
The whole of this process is under constant review. Evaluation takes place, in particular, in the light of progress made, or difficulties experienced by pupils during the course of a learning programme.
External Support Services
A range of support services are involved with children at Wold Academy.
We have visits from Educational Psychologists; occupational physiotherapists; the Autism Support Team: speech and language therapists, and Visually Impaired and Hearing Impaired support staff. The SENCO keeps a file listing support services for each child and containing an up-to-date timetable of when various services are in school. The support services also provide informal and formal training to assist with the teaching of children with special educational needs. Support staff are also responsible, with the SENCO, for the planning of any modification to the curriculum, in particular for children with physical disabilities in relation to PE.
Partnerships with Parents
Parents are informed of any concerns a teacher may have.
Parents are also informed through a consultation meeting when a child is placed on SEN Support on the SEND register. Parents are involved as far as possible with the work which teachers set for children with SEND and are often asked to support this at home. Parents are informed of changes arising from reviews at SEND Support and their own views will have been sought where this is possible. If a child has a Statement of Special Education Needs / Education Health Plan (EHC), parents will be asked to contribute more formally to a review at least once a year.
If a parent has a concern regarding support for a child with SEND the SENCO will be available to meet with them and discuss the concern.
Record Keeping and Assessment
Assessment and record keeping procedures aim to ensure that pupils with SEND are working at the appropriate are related expectation to meet their needs.
Information about the progress of individual pupils is passed on from teacher to teacher, and to parents.
A variety of testing and assessment will be used, appropriate to the child and their needs. All pupils are teacher assessed at five Key Progress Indicator (KPI) points throughout the year and monitored against age related expectations.
Arrangements for considering complaints about SEND provision within the school will be addressed following the Trust’s complaints procedure.
This policy will be reviewed annually.
To view our SEND Information Report and Policies please download the documents below.
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