The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Wold Academy

At Wold Academy we pride ourselves on creating a safe and fun environment for our children to learn, grow and develop lasting friendships.


 Our DRET PE team have been on fire these last few weeks. They started by running a KS1 dodgeball festival that 40 children from Year 1 and 2 took part in. The children had an amazing time, especially the girls who had a special session just for them, experiencing specialist coaching followed by organised games.
They followed this up with a Health and Wellbeing Day where Y1 looked at how healthy fruit is and had the opportunity to try a variety of new fruits. Y3 also looked at confidence mapping and how to have a positive mindset. Y5 then looked at energy drinks and the effects that drinking them can have on your body.
The final event is one to look forward to which is a Y3/4 dodgeball festival which the children who have been attending the dodgeball club after school will be attending. This event will be all about participating and having fun.
We can't wait to see what the PE team get up to next with the children!