The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Wold Academy

At Wold Academy we pride ourselves on creating a safe and fun environment for our children to learn, grow and develop lasting friendships.


Lunch at Wold Academy is a communal experience in which the children can socialise and enjoy a 'family' atmosphere.

Our lunchtime is 12:00 - 12:45pm for EYFS and KS1, and 12:30 - 1:15pm for KS2.

Each day the kitchen produces a range of freshly cooked healthy meals that are served in our dining hall.

These include several options for the children to choose from, with vegetarian options always available. Our commitment to keeping our children healthy means that we are recognised as having 'Healthy School' status as recognised by The Department of Health.

Alternatively, the children may prefer to bring a packed lunch. We politely ask that there are no nuts (including nut spread) as we may have children or staff who are allergic. Whilst we understand that children may wish to have a small ‘sweet treat’, please ensure this is balanced alongside fruit/vegetables. We also ask that no fizzy or energy drinks (including Prime) are included in the children’s lunches.

To apply for free school meals parents now need to use our My School Portal -

For further information visit: 

Breakfast Club

Wold Academy's Breakfast Club is open to all school age pupils from 7:30am each day.

For a small charge, pupils can enjoy a healthy breakfast as well as the opportunity to mix and play with friends. (Note Breakfast Club is free for pupils eligible for Free School Meals).

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